Art - Dance
and Drama
Youths will learn how to use their
bodies to express themselves, pray and express the faith in creative ways. The beauty of the body was created in infinite love and given as gifts to us, as temples of Christ, we too use it for His Glory.
Cost: $10
12th (4pm-5pm) Nov
3rd(2pm-5pm), 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 30th (6pm-10:30pm) Dec
All timings from 1pm-7:30pm (ending with EC) unless otherwise indicated.
Youths will learn how to use
different forms of art and craft
to express their faith and themselves
in creative ways. Creativity stems from
God as He is The Creator, and in turn we use our creativity for Him.
Cost: $10
12th (4pm-5pm), 23rd, 27th, 30th Nov
4th, 7th, 30th Dec
All timings from 6pm-10:30pm (beginning with EC) unless otherwise indicated.
Art - Craft
Youths will experience being a
pilgrim in different environments.
They will learn different lessons
through displacement of self and
also experience different modes of
travel. They may be asked to push beyond their limits.
Cost: $20
12th (4pm-5pm), 20th, 23rd, 27th, 29th (10pm-6am**) Nov
4th (8am-2pm), 30th (6pm-10:30pm) Dec
All timings from 10am-7:30pm (ending with EC) unless otherwise indicated.
Social and
Youths will learn about Laudato Si
(the encyclical by Pope Francis about
the care for God’s creations), they will experience social mission as we reach out to marginalized brothers and sisters and will also learn about our role as being stewards of Mother Earth.
Cost: $15
12th (4pm-5pm), 20th (6pm-10:30pm beginning with EC), 24th (10pm – 2am**), 29th Nov
4th, 6th, 30th (6pm-10:30pm) Dec
All timings from 8am-2pm unless otherwise indicated.
** Overnight, stay over in church will be an option for those who’d like to. This is OPTIONAL and will not be part of the experiment. Transport is only provided from and to church.
YSA MAGIS Programme
Experiment Structure
Our programme consists of 7 days in total for each experiment:
Day 1: Introduction and briefing to YSA Magis
Day 2-6: Experiment Days
Day 7: Magis Finale
The days and timings differ for each experiment and may not be consecutive days. Participants are encouraged to choose an experiment based on which they would prefer as well as taking into consideration the tentative dates proposed here. Please note that participants should complete the entire Ignatian Experiment by being there for every session. There is no ‘penalty’ for any missed sessions, however any part that may be missed will render the experience not quite complete. Youths may register for more than one experiment.
Registration Fee
There is a different registration fee for each experiment based on the programme, manpower, as well as logistics and services required. These fees are minimal and helps to levy the cost of the entire programme.
Youths who’d like to participate but are unable to provide the full registration fee may contact either of the Youth Coordinators to arrange a subsidy (:
Parents of participants will be contacted upon youth registration with more information and the option of attending a parental briefing held on 19th November 4pm. This briefing will include more details of the activities to be conducted that will not be released to the participants, as a part of the experience is the lack of expectations.
Categories and Details
The YSA Magis Programme consists of 4 categories, found below.