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The Adventure of Mercy

A few months ago, a group of youth went for a pilgrimage to Poland for the World Youth Day. It was themed 'Blessed are the Merciful', and we were blessed to have Pope Francis address us 4 times during the 2 weeks. We've been very edified by his messages and will like to share Papa's exhortations to the young people of the world with you! We will be conducting a discipleship programme for 3 sessions based on these 4 speeches as well as our experiences on the pilgrimage. 'The Adventure of Mercy' will be on 5th, 12th, and 19th of November (Saturdays) from 8-10pm. We would like to invite you to this program (: If you can't make it for some sessions, that's okay too! Please click here to register. We look forward to seeing you, and in Pope Francis's words, "Launch us on the Adventure of Mercy!"


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